*Only the client is allowed in the procedure room*
This treatment can not be done whilst pregnant or breastfeeding.
Botox should be performed 3 weeks before or 3 weeks after the procedure.
If you are late for your appointment you will be rescheduled. (No exceptions)
So please plan accordingly if you are traveling from out of town.
You ARE NOT a good candidate for MICROBLADE (hair strokes) if you have LARGE pores or Oily/Severely Oily Skin, your results WILL appear softer/solid or powdered looking. The OMBRE COMBO would suit this skin type best.
If you have high blood pressure, low blood pressure or any heart conditions you MUST let Fallon know as soon as possible. You may have to seek advise from your doctor before Fallon can carry out the procedure safely.
Color WILL fade/soften anywhere from 10% to 50% or more during the healing proces.
At the touch up we will fine tune any area that has faded too much.
Healing is specific to each client.
It is important to know that you will need a colour boost every 12-18 months to maintain it's fresh natural appearance. Fading WILL happen after each procedure. Fallon does not have control over your bodies healing process. You may need still to powder and/or pencil even after the healed results.
This is an enhancement to your natural brows....not a permanent one.
Due to the build up of scar tissue, touch ups will not be done any sooner than 12 months after the 1st touch-up.
If you are out in the sun a lot, have oily skin, use anti-aging creams, retin A/retinol products, acidic cleansers, natural elements, regular chemical peels or exercise frequently your permanent makeup WILL fade prematurely.
The better you take care of the treated area and follow the provided aftercare, the longer it will last.
As we age our skin changes. The permanent makeup WILL eventually look more powdered, this is universal with all permanent makeup procedures.
Remember, no two sides of the face are the same. Perfection is our goal, but, note that nothing is PERFECT. We do not use the "P" word when doing Permanent Makeup. Sisters, NOT twins is used universally in this field.
Fallon stay's extremely busy, so it is recommended to schedule your appointments well in advance.
Thank you